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Application of bright surface anodized aluminum in the automo
Time :2018-06-20
As a commuter tool in modern society, the automobile has penetrated into every aspect of people's lives. Unlike the plastic plating strips on the grille, the window strips are all made of metal, usually using stainless steel or aluminum alloy solutions.
Stainless steel bright strips are mostly used by Japanese, Korean and most Chinese brands. Because the stainless steel is too hard, the direct flanging will wrinkle, so usually the end of the light bar needs a plastic end cap.

Another brightening solution is the use of bright anodized aluminum. Compared to stainless steel, bright anodized aluminum sheet coil is much more complex to process and more expensive. The bright aluminum raw material is stamped into a corresponding shape, and the most important is the surface anodizing treatment, so that the surface of the aluminum alloy forms an oxide film that resists corrosion and wear. Due to the good ductility of aluminum, it is easy to process. Therefore, the bright anodized aluminum ends can be directly flanged.
German brand cars and most European brand cars use aluminum bright strips. In the United States, brand cars have gradually begun to replace stainless steel with aluminum solutions in recent years. Stainless steel mirrors the surroundings faithfully, and the bright anodized aluminum surface is not completely mirror-finished, but is a soft, bright silver color. Therefore, in actual visual effects, aluminum will show more metal colors and be brighter.
Stainless steel bright strips are mostly used by Japanese, Korean and most Chinese brands. Because the stainless steel is too hard, the direct flanging will wrinkle, so usually the end of the light bar needs a plastic end cap.

Another brightening solution is the use of bright anodized aluminum. Compared to stainless steel, bright anodized aluminum sheet coil is much more complex to process and more expensive. The bright aluminum raw material is stamped into a corresponding shape, and the most important is the surface anodizing treatment, so that the surface of the aluminum alloy forms an oxide film that resists corrosion and wear. Due to the good ductility of aluminum, it is easy to process. Therefore, the bright anodized aluminum ends can be directly flanged.
German brand cars and most European brand cars use aluminum bright strips. In the United States, brand cars have gradually begun to replace stainless steel with aluminum solutions in recent years. Stainless steel mirrors the surroundings faithfully, and the bright anodized aluminum surface is not completely mirror-finished, but is a soft, bright silver color. Therefore, in actual visual effects, aluminum will show more metal colors and be brighter.